速報APP / 天氣 / Freemeteo Pro

Freemeteo Pro





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:12, Kolokotroni str, Kifissia 14562, Attiki, Greece

Freemeteo Pro(圖1)-速報App

New Design!

Freemeteo.com is a website about the weather. We provide comprehensive weather forecasts for all regions of our planet - both land and sea – tailored to the individual needs of people who require daily updates.

More than 10 million geographic locations are investigated and detailed weather forecasts are produced, updated twice daily.

Moreover, weather reports from all online stations of the world are presented in real time, in order to provide accurate information on local weather conditions.

Freemeteo Pro(圖2)-速報App

— Modern design and beautiful icons

— Smart location search

— Automated location service

— Customized weather updates

— Choice of many languages

Freemeteo Pro(圖3)-速報App

— Current weather conditions

— Weekly weather forecasts

— Detailed hourly forecasts

— This application runs on 4.4+

— The application is using location services to automatically locate your current position. The application runs even if your location services are disabled. You can disable location services from the application’s settings or your system’s settings.

Freemeteo Pro(圖4)-速報App

— If you choose to use the application’s widget, then you cannot store this application on your SD card. This is according to the standards of the Android system. If you cannot find the Freemeteo widget on the list of available widgets (settings – applications manager), please check if the application is stored on your SD card. If so, please move the application back to your phone from your SD card and restart the application.

— All information collected by the application is anonymous. Freemeteo will keep this information secure and will not share them with any third parties according to our privacy and cookies policy available on: http://freemeteo.co.uk/weather/privacy-statement/?language=English&country=united-kingdom

Freemeteo Pro(圖5)-速報App